What to Expect

What to Expect at a FVEPA Networking Meeting

Are you a new member or are you considering becoming a member of the Fraser Valley Event Planning Association. We suggest you come on out to one of our monthly meetings and get to know a bit about who we are. Understandably coming out to a new group can be nerve racking for some, so we have put together an overview of what you can expect when you attend a networking event with the Fraser Valley Event Planning Association!

7:00pm: Come on in! The doors will be open. Stop in at the registration desk to sign-in and pick up a name badge. If you are a guest, the $15 guest fee is payable by cash, cheque or credit card (you can also prepay online for the guest fee prior to arrival if you prefer).

7:00pm – 7:30pm: This is your time to mix and mingle with the venue host, FVEPA members, FVEPA Board of Directors, and other industry guests. At most meetings, complimentary snacks and beverages are available for all of our attendees to enjoy.

7:30pm – 7:35pm – Welcome by the FVEPA President along with guest and new member introductions.

7:35pm – 8:00pm: Our venue host will often conduct a facility tour and/or educational presentation. If you have meeting space or a storefront, hosting a meeting is a great way to bring awareness to your business.

8:00pm – 8:15pm: “I Can, I Want, I Need” networking activity. Not always but often we provide members with an opportunity to stand up and announce their ‘Cans, Wants, or Needs’….for instance, “I can offer event planning services in December for holiday parties as I have 2 weekend dates available” or “I want donations of silent auction prizes for an upcoming fundraiser” or “I need suggestions of an online registration system”. If time is running short we will provide time for members to make quick announcements here.

8:15pm – 8:25pm: News from the Board of Directors. This includes upcoming FVEPA events, member promotional opportunity reminders etc.

8:25pm – 9:00pm: Continue networking and indulging in the delicious snacks and beverages!

General Information:

– We generally have between 25 – 40 people in attendance at our monthly networking meetings
– We have approximately 50% event planners and 50% event industry service providers that attend the meetings

Tips for effective Networking:

– Bring lots of business cards
– Remember that networking is about relationship building. We suggest to avoid the hard sell when you’re first meeting someone – ask them about their business and when they ask you about yours, have a simple and concise yet interesting ‘elevator pitch’ and share your passion about what you do.
– Tweet before, during and after the event. This is a great way to introduce yourself online before meeting people in person. Also a great tool for following up with new contacts.
– Follow up with an email to the people that you met during the meeting.
– Links to some great articles: